Just a touch more about movies…

Over the weekend I saw Apocalypto. I would say that overall I enjoyed the movie. If you are thinking about seeing it you should realize it is quite violent — if Braveheart was too violent for you, you should skip this one. The story was interesting, the casting was perfect, the locations were fantastic. I had a few nits, though – while I will give you these people were obviously physically fit, who can run for that long – especially with no apparent stops for food or water?  My other nit was that for about 10 or 15 minutes the filming and effects were really cheesy — it felt like for those 10 or 15 minutes they let some high school film student take control of the movie (and those 10 or 15 minutes included the scene with the Jaguar). How could they have possibly screwed up THIS scene? With these two exceptions I thought it was a really well done movie.

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