Busy Weekend

The missus and I had a busy weekend. On Saturday, we visited a nearby fabric store to get some stuff for an upcoming project. She then played a fair bit of Puzzle Quest and then I played a touch of Oblivion. I am 8 achievements from 1000 achievement points in Oblivion, then I’ve got Orange Box and the soon to be released Guitar hero 3 and Assassin’s Creed. Fun stuff!

On Sunday, we went with some friends to the NYS Wool and Sheep festival (some pics here). The festival was a lot of fun, more sheep, goats, and yarn than you could shake a stick at (although I didn’t have any sticks with me). After we got our fill of wool and sheep, we went to the Headless Horseman Haunted Hayride (and haunted houses and corn maze). We did this with friends last year and since it was so close to the Wool and Sheep festival (about 15 miles), we decided to attend with some other friends. Like last year, it was a lot of fun.

Also notable in the  pictures: the fall colors are really in full swing. The drive up-state was rather spectacular.

We went to the sneak preview of Dan in Real Life, a romantic comedy / drama starring Steve Carell. It was a nice story, funny dialog and a somewhat believable story. I think Steve did a solid job, funny and awkward and always. Plenty of laughs. My only complaint was the turns were all pretty predictable.

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