Finally got around to seeing Million Dollar Baby on Saturday night — what a fine film. It was not what I expected at all but don’t let anybody tell you about it, go see it, rent it, whatever.
The Oscars were last night. The strong winners seemed to be Ray, The Aviator, and Million Dollar Baby, all of which were very deserving films. If you haven’t seen these you need to get busy. I would say, in general, 2004 was a really good year for movies.
We had a garage sale this last weekend where we got rid of a bunch of stuff that we don’t really need. We did pretty well but need to do it again soon. After we will probably trash, donate, or sell on Amazon and Ebay the remainder. I had my Twin Peaks VHS set (complete series) out for like $15 until I realized I could get more like $40 on Ebay. Almost an oops.
My trip to New York is coming up in less than a week. Looking forward to it. After that I may be doing a short trip to Phoenix. Nothing else specifically planned, but, big things may be afoot soon (we’ll see).