Niagara Falls, TV, Movies

We spent a recent weekend in upstate New York. The first part of the weekend was spent in Rochester, NY with family attending a nephew’s college graduation (yay Nathan!). We had a good time, always good to see family and catch up. The second half of the weekend was spent at Niagara Falls (about 24 hours at the falls). We did touristy stuff on the USA side and stayed the night on the Canadian side. If you haven’t visited the the falls you should — it is really quite amazing. We did all of the touristy stuff. We especially loved the Maid of the Mist and Cave of the Winds. The aquarium is nothing to write home about (blog about?), but, the seal skeleton was kinda neat. Our Niagara Falls pictures are on Flickr.

We are all caught up on Lost and the Sopranos. Lost ended well and has continued to be a really good series. Sopranos ended their half season pretty well, but, this season hasn’t been the best, but, still worth watching, I think. Still need to finish up the season of Prison Break.

We’ll be visiting DC for an upcoming long weekend. This will be a first DC trip for us and we’re looking forward to doing the touristy DC stuff. We’re taking the train down, which should be nice.

Finally, we saw Mission Impossible 3 — we both enjoyed it. I thought it was better than MI:2. Probably won’t win any awards, but was a decent popcorn flick. I am looking forward to seeing the new Omen and Nacho Libre.

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