Busy busy busy

The week before the move I went to the JavaOne conference in San Francisco. It was a fun week, I learned new stuff and reinforced other stuff I already knew.

The missus did some packing while I was gone. After I got back, we boxed and boxed and boxed. We had most of it done but the last odds and ends always take longer than expected and we didn’t finish until the wee hours of the morning before the movers came. The movers arrived a bit early (which is nice) and they did a good job – I would recommend them. They must have used a CASE of packing tape – those guys go crazy with packing tape and moving pads (which is great). We now have a cube of boxes in the living room ready to be unpacked but the furniture is in place, which is nice.

Our new place is considerably larger than the previous three places we loved, which we love. The train is much closer and noisier and will take some time to get used to, be it is already fading into the background for us. I didn’t even notice the trains the last two nights, for the most part.

Saturday night the missus and I went and finished cleaning the old apartment. She is shampooing the carpets this morning (thank you, missus!). By mid-day everything should be done at the old place.

The FIOS guy came on Sunday and installed my super-duper-fast Internet (about 20 megabit). I had FIOS a couple years ago and have missed it. The FIOS TV seems as good or better than Cablevision and the channel layout (SD vs HD) is more logical, I think. I’m happy with it so far. I tried to just use an antenna to get over-the-air HD channels, but it wasn’t stable enough for our TiVo habits.

So, the road ahead is clear – unpack, unpack, unpack and wedding, wedding, wedding (three more weddings in three different states this summer). Maybe sometime in there we’ll get a couch or love seat for our new larger living room -I’m looking forward to that!

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