Went and saw Sin City this weekend. This is a fantastic movie IF you can handle the violence. It is an uber-violent movie dripping with style. If you like violent films if they make your significant other squeamish take a friend, this movie goes a long way toward redefining violent films. Visually it is quite a treat — it really captures the comic book feel. I liked this film a lot, but, if you couldn’t sit through Pulp Fiction, Resivour Dogs, or Natural Born Killers this NOT for you.
Played more Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. This is a great game, lot of fun. My single complaint with it is that on almost every level you have secondary objectives of “hack eight specific computers”, “disable six hidden microphones”, etc. This can just tend to get a little tedious, if you miss one you either just skip it or go back and search the entire level. Also, I had some problems figuring out the “hacking” technique but after I stopped being lazy and read the manual it is really quite nifty. All in all I would say my favorite is Pandora Tomorrow, probably Chaos Theory in second, original in 3rd (but they are all great games).
Did some more cleaning up, throwing things away, shredding, and packing. The big day is coming up soon. We decided to try to do the drive in 2 days instead of 3 — with the theory of 2 really long days of driving might be better than 3 pretty long days of driving. Also, we decided on an apartment in Rahway, NJ — they are brand new, just opened last September (2004). The apartment complex is really nice and only 1.5 blocks to a train station. Hopefully the neighborhood is as nice and revitalized as the apartment manager suggests. We are leasing it sight unseen but doing so really simplifies many things about the pending move. I feel somewhat confident there is nothing in Manhattan/Long Island/Staten Island that is this nice with these features with a shorter commute (that I would be able to find in time).
Finally, my Birthday is coming up (April 17th). We should be in the new apartment for my birthday and can do something in Manhattan (or NJ or wherever) to celebrate the big Three Five. Time flies when you are having fun, eh?