(I started this entry a week ago and forgot to finish it… finishing before I move on to new stuff).
For the missus’ birthday, we decided to go on a road trip. We started the weekend early on Thursday with a drive to the Clark’s Summit area (near Scranton, PA) which we designated as “home base”. We had dinner at a the Gourmet Family Restaurant, a cute little diner. Food was good, but it is odd to have a restaurant with a smoking section – caught us off guard. On Friday morning, we drove to Syracuse to spend the day at the New York State Fair – our State Fair pictures can be found on Flickr. The fair was much like last year, but we had a good time. At the end of the day we drove back to Clark’s Summit. On Saturday, we drove to Tuxedo, NY to spend the day at the New York Renaissance Faire. We visited the Ren Faire last year with our friends Sean and Janne. It wasn’t quite the same without them, but we still had a good time – Ren Faire pictures can be found on Flickr.
On the way home, we attempted our first Geocache. Sadly, we were not able to find it.