Movies, Diving, a Book

We saw two movies this last weekend. The first was Audition, a Japanese horror movie recommended by a friend several years ago. It started a bit slow and was a touch confusing. It definitely fit into the “Japanese Horror Movie” mold. It was OK – if you really like Japanese horror, pick it up, otherwise I’d say it probably isn’t worth hunting down. If you have an empty Netflix queue might consider it.

The second movie, Tropic Thunder, was a blast. This movie has been out for a few weeks. We put off seeing it partially because of scheduling conflicts and laziness and partly to let the crowds die down. The movie was very funny and occasionally crude. I could easily imagine that the script was custom tailored for Jack Black and Robert Downy Jr, and Ben Stiller. If your easily offended, skip this one (but we loved it).

The missus completed the classroom portion of her scuba class and has done two of the three pool diving sessions. I think she is now feeling reasonably comfortable underwater and is looking forward to the third pool session and her open water dives. This is great because every day that passes is one day closer to our dives in Belize

A finished the book Little Brother. This is a book that everyone over the age of 15 should read. It is a scary, vivid, but easily believable portrait of a new future United States in folks like Bush remain in power. I don’t want to say much more, just go read the book. If your feeling cheap (or just want a taste), just download the book (free and legal).

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