The long weekend

We had a joyously long, relaxing weekend. I will share some of what we did, although the order is probably all wrong.

  • Made great strides toward catching up on our TiVo recordings which included a lot of CSI, Heros, Cook’s Country, etc.
  • Watched the movie Get Smart, which we really enjoyed. Steve Carell was a lot of fun as Maxwell Smart. I loved the show when I was growing up and I felt they did a credible job.
  • Watched the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall. We thought it was funny with moments that were really laugh out loud hilarious. It is pretty darn formula, but we had a good time.
  • Watched the movie An Unreasonable Man, which was a documentary about Ralph Nader. It was an interesting movie, but they seemed to be all over the board – people seem to love him and others hate him and interviews on the opposing opinions were often back to back, so it often felt like it had conflicting messages.
  • Played a fair bit of Fallout 3. I am all but finished with the main quest (one segment left). I am currently finishing up the side quests, achievements, etc. because once I finish the main quest the game “ends”. Fun game. Huge world. After 55 hours there are still lots of places I haven’t been.
  • Played some Super Mario Galaxy. I have something like 12 of the 120 stars. Galaxy is a beautifully made platformer, an absolute joy to play.
  • Played some Wii Sports with my nephew, Steve. We had a great time especially with tennis and boxing.
  • Enjoyed marinated duck breast with all the trimmings with the missus and nephew for Thanksgiving. It was incredibly good, much better than turkey. Mmmmm! The missus wants to do it again for Christmas.

All in all it was a really nice long weekend.

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